(786) 717-7412 [email protected]

When it comes to selecting a private investigator, we are all so hung up with the male bastion that we forget that a woman can excel as private investigators and possibly in some situations even more so than men. 

Perhaps we have pre-conceived ideas of a private investigator as a male. You might blame this on detective books and movies. Mostly what we have read and seen in films or TV are extremely smart, swanky, not to mention attractive men playing the roles of investigators.  Women are often relegated to the background playing the private assistant or a sexy companion at best. The other popular perception is that of honey trappers who have been known to use their charms to expose cheating husbands. 

At Valdes Investigation Group we are led by a woman CEO and Lead Investigator.

The Success of Women as Private Investigators

When it comes to the real world where private investigation is a profession like any other, women are doing exceedingly well. Even till about a decade ago only 15 per cent of private detectives in the developed nations were women, but over the past few years there has been a sea change with a number of women joining this profession. 

USA especially deserves a special mention because it has seen a rise of 86 percent in the number of female private investigators over the last ten years or so.  

Hiring a private investigator typically means that you are going through a situation that is difficult to understand and often extremely sensitive. 

I have read some argue that a woman often has a way with words and thus makes for a better communicator. They are ideally suited to give a patient ear to the problems of their clients and take a more sympathetic approach. Women also have a natural ability to put people at ease with their presence, so both clients and people being investigated seem to trust them better.

I have also read that women seem to bring to the profession natural abilities to network. A woman also can have better access to information because they have a larger access to people and places. 

In one article I came across recently I read that PI agencies that are hiring women as private investigators see women having a clear advantage as they have better abilities to multitask and unlike men, do not find it difficult to suppress their egos in order to attain their set goals. Finally, the article argued, to use a cliché, there is seldom a substitute for a woman’s intuition which more often than not can be a clincher when it comes to solving the most complex of cases. 

Another common theme I have come across regards the fact that many of an investigator’s targets are cheating men. So the client is a woman. So the argument goes that a woman dealing with a woman can establish trust more easily. When it comes to female clients, another woman can put their trust in a woman in good faith. The comfort factor with a woman is much more when it comes to investigating things like a premarital verification or a case of domestic infidelity. 

All these arguments are difficult grounds to prove. Having said that from our experience there is certainly a growing comfort with our clients of using women and a number specifically choose Valdes Investigation Group because our agency is female centred. Clients often seem to trust women more in some instances than their male counterparts. 

For more information on VIG and how we can help you and for a free consultation please contact us.